Meet the Photographer
"Photography is not about cameras, gadgets, and gismos. Photography is about photographers. A camera did not make picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel."
- Peter Adams
For me photography is about moments and people. Working with my clients we create a moment and I capture it.
I also enjoy capturing our natural wonders both big and small. Nature is every where and you don't have to go very far to find her wonders.
My love-affair with photography dates back to my youth and a 110 camera given to him by his parents. I made the transition to digital in the 00’s. Then in 2012, I opened Dream Wolf Photography. My pictures have been featured at the Bentonville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Hobbs State Park, and by the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas. In addition, I have had my work published in Emerald Girls Magazine and by the Oklahoma Arts Council.
In my travels I have photographed some of our greatest natural wonders, places like Yosemite, Yellowstone, Arches, and Mesa Verde National Parks. I am quick to remind people they don’t have to leave Arkansas to find amazing natural scenery! Some of my best photos are from our own backyard: Devil’s Den, the Buffalo River, and Petit Jean State Park are just a few of my favorite locations.